We have a wide variety of books both in soft and hard copies that we sell and lend out to customers/community members.You can access our libaries in different cities in Nigeria by just using your membership code.Bookies club has been in existence for two years and so far, we have touched many lives young and old through the reading of books.
If you are a beginner in book writing, we will be glad to work with you and help you take the first steps to getting your book on the shelves where others can easily access them. From drafting your first lines to the actual writing process and even to editing, we will hold your hand through the process.We help you get your books out either as e-books or hard copies.
We are experts in proof-reading and making sure your piece of writing is accurate, clear and concise depennding on the type of publication. We get you fully ready to publish by checking facts, for example, the names and dates, the places and past events for proper accuracy.
We identify and fix both errors related to spellings and grammatical typos.We will adjust your writing tone and style if need be and fix all inconsistencies, awkward syntax and poor word choice.